The President of the International Black Economic Forum, Kerlande Mibel, met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, MP Emmanuel Dubourg and MP Patricia Lattanzio, and 16 other actors of the Black communities of Montreal at the Maison d’Haiti.
This meeting focused on the economic development issues of the various Black communities and possible solutions. We had a good conversation about the economy, entrepreneurship, and job creation. February 1, 2020.
We have developed research related to the development of the Black Quality of Life Index
The Index will link data from reliable surveys and studies of cities. The Index provides a critical transdisciplinary approach to understanding the complexity of the issues to draw, from diverse perspectives, insight into the strong trends in quality of life and well-being of Black communities in cities internationally.
The purpose of the index is to provide a compelling analysis of crucial data and perspectives to understand the issues facing Black people. These perspectives will allow us to propose innovative public policies and approaches at the municipal, national and international levels that can develop and strengthen the quality of life and prosperity of Black communities.
We project that the index results can influence strategies and budget allocations for real Black economic inclusion. In addition, the index will be a tool for comparing cities. And as such, it will show the strengths and weaknesses of each other. Most importantly, it will inspire cities to develop more effective short-, medium and long-term strategies to better perform in the pursuit of equity among all citizens in their territory for full development.
Transitional Justice Initiative
• We are closely following the Haitian situation and have, in the wake of recent events during 2021, begun an initiative for justice of acceptance, reconciliation, and healing for the Haitian people.
• We have also created a coalition that provides a space for participatory dialogue for all Haitian stakeholders involved in this process.
• It is a platform for dialogue that seeks to build a shared vision for Haitians and provide collective learning and openness about the Haitian nation.
• Akseptation, rekonsilyasyon e gerizon nasyonale (lien vers la coalition?)
Collective intelligence (projects that emanate from the labs)
February 2020: Meetings on economic development, representativeness and federal procurement strategies.